Peddlers' News - Where the rubber meets the road!
Catch up on all the latest.
19th June 2024 |
Latest Peddlers' news
Our AGM was held on the 9th of June at The Good Merchant
Most of our committee were happy to once again give their time and efforts to the Club, and we also welcome Alan Brill. Accordingly, our new committee is Richard Grayling, Robyn De Haas, Stu Edgecombe, Bryce Howard, Simon Belton, Joanne Belton, Kelvin Mahood and as mentioned, Alan Brill.
We thank Heath Tapper, Henry De Haas and Mike Davey for their time on the previous outgoing Committee.
After discussion, subs for the next year were set at $20 per person, family membership $40. These are now due.
We have decided to not have any trail rides scheduled over the winter months, and will re-establish these from September when daylight savings begins, and finish them around the time daylight savings finishes.
While the Club rides will still be scheduled on the website, we invite all members to contact us if they wish to put together a ride for an alternative date or time, and we will do our best to publicize this to the other members. This may be that you want to do a ride out to Cafe 77 on the trail and welcome others to join; or perhaps feel the weather on a particular weekend is not very nice and just a catch up coffee at Robert Harris is in order.
Please also remember that our member Neal Butt runs a Wednesday morning ride for which he has a Facebook page under Matamata Recreational Peddlers which caters for all levels and types of riders.
20th April 2024 |
Latest Peddlers' news
News from the Committee meeting held Tuesday 9th April 2024
- New Wednesday morning ride group for e-bikers and or recreational riders established by member Neal - details on our Rides Page. Contact Neal for info nealbitunes@gmail.com
- May trail ride to be held on the 19th of May due to duck shooting opening weekend & Mother's Day
- Our AGM is to be held on the 9th June, at 6:30pm at The Good Merchant. We welcome everyone to attend. Please RSVP to Jo on joannebelton2409@gmail.com so we can ascertain numbers. Whilst there is no pressure to become a committee member, if you are interested in helping the Club by joining the Committee please contact our President (Richard Grayling), or one of the other committee as listed on the website.
11th October 2023 |
Peddlers' October Newsletter
Hope you are all managing to get out and about on your bikes with the longer daylight hours. Don't forget our Wednesday rides now start @ 5.30pm.
Peddlers Trail Rides: Now changing to the SECOND SUNDAY of the month
We had a good turnout to Whakarewarewa Loop ride at the Redwoods on 8th October. This is always popular as there are so many options for riders, runners & walkers.
Upcoming .........
Sunday 12th November - Cougar Park in Tokoroa - this is more of a mountain bike ride.
29-31 January 2024 - We are trying something a little different for our January/February ride, heading to Ohope for an overnighter on 29-31 January. Those who wish to can ride part of the Motu Trail. Those who would prefer something a little less challenging can partake in the Coastal ride which is very scenic and rideable for all levels.
We have a property available to us for accommodation. If you are interested please email Jo Belton joannebelton2409@gmail.com and we will ascertain numbers and take it from there.
Sunday 10th March 2024- we will ride from Paeroa to Waihi return along the cycle trail - always popular!
In March next year we will have a "fish & chip" night after the ride on Wednesday 21st, with a backup date of the 28th. More information on that will come closer to the time.
East Waikato Cycle Instructors are running a free Ride Leader Course in Matamata early next year - please contact maryann.kerr@tcdc.govt.nz if you are interested. They are also running a free Cycle Skills course in Matamata on Thursday 30th November between 9am-1pm from the Matamata Tennis Courts - flyer attached. You will note you will need to register as numbers are limited.
Good luck to those competing in the Lake Karapiro Flyer this Sunday 15th & the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge next month!
20th June 2023 |
Peddlers' Trail Ride 11th June
We had a great turnout for the latest Peddlers trail ride at Papamoa! The weather was beautiful (like it always is according to Ange)

Trail riders enjoying their hard-earned smoko. Actually, let's go with well-earned. Actually, let's just go with smoko. Trail riders enjoying their smoko

Sorting out the worries of the world over cakes, having annexed a random strangers deck. Wayne got up to Level 15 of Candy Crush, whilst Simon gave him advice
If you like the look of that be sure to join us on the next trail ride, which will be held on Sunday xxxxxx at xxxxxxxxx. Our backup date in case the weather is unfriendly on the xxxx will be the xxxxx. Mark your calendar now, or at least when I've put the dates in.
Don't forget the Karapiro 100K Flyer is coming up on 14 September 2023. Information and entry is online here
4th June 2023 |
The Peddlers' AGM was held at the Matamata Club on the 21st of May 2023
We had a great turnout for the 2023 AGM and dinner, where everyone enjoyed a lovely meal and good company
The 2023 Committee was elected as follows
President: Richard Grayling
Secretary: Joanne Belton
Treasurer: Robyn de Haas
Bryce Howard
Stu Edgecombe
Mike Davey
Heath Trumpper (former President)
Kelvin Mahood
Simon Belton
Henry de Haas
The Committee would like to thank Heath Tapper for his stellar work as President and Theo Brus and Scott Holdem for their contributions to the committee
The subs for next year were discussed and it was decided, in order to try to attract people to cycling, to set the subs for at $25 single, or
$40 for families.
4th June 2023 |
Peddlers' awards presented
The annual Peddlers' awards were handed out at the AGM. This year we awarded trophies in all three of our categories
The "Most Improved Road Rider" award was won this year by Kelvin Mahood. Kelvin has really put a lot of effort into his riding this past season and the results are as clear as the printing on the back of his bike pants

Kelvin is shown receiving his well-deserved award from former President Trumpper, I mean Tapper, who is yet to confirm if he'll run again in 2024
The "Most Considerate Rider" award was again unanimously given to Alan Brill for always selflessly looking after other riders. Unfortunately, for an allegedly considerate guy, he's very rude when it comes to attending Peddlers' dinners and was once again unable to receive his award in person.
Fortunately, I was once again able to utilise my superior Photoshop skills and have been able to provide this seamless representation of what it would have looked like if Alan could have been bothered to attend to receive his award in person

**** Note - photo altered, apart from Heath's Yeti-hand.
The most improved track rider this year went to Dale Ertel, who has continued to go from strength to strength, including making a final at the Masters Games. Excellent effort Dale!

Dale was also unable to attend, but his LinkedIn photo did
Congratulations to all of our deserving winners!
4th June 2023 |
Change to Sunday and Wednesday start times
With winter officially here it's time to adjust our ride times.
Sunday rides will now start at 0930
Wednesday rides will now start at 3pm - from outside the Catholic Church the corner of Hohaia and Tawa streets, in order to avoid the 3pm school traffic
Sunday rides will also be shortened up with the introduction of our winter ride lengths
4th June 2023 |
Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge - 25th November 2023 - Entries now open
ENTRIES NOW OPEN - Don't miss out on the action! Enter now and take advantage of our early bird rates which are available to the FIRST 1000 entries
Click here for more details and to enter
6th February 2023 |
Latest Peddlers' news
1st Committe Meeting of the year was held Thursday 2nd Feb
We have just had our first Committee meeting for the year and due to their popularity , we have decided to make the trail rides more regular.
Our next one will be Sunday 19th February riding out on the trail from Matamata towards Paeroa. A few of our members are doing the Tour Aotearoa this year and will be coming into Matamata that day, so the thought is to ride and meet them.
There are a couple of lovely cafes along the way that you may decide you wish to stop at, grab a coffee & a bite to eat, then either carry on to meet our intrepid travellers or return to Matamata if the distance is too far. How far you go will be entirely up to you.
Further trail rides will be scheduled for the first Sunday of each month, with the next one scheduled for the 5th March. This will be a new loop ride incorporating a bit of road and gravel out Henry Watson Road - Piakonui Road; followed on 2nd April with the Velodrome - Hamilton Gardens and return.
Details will be on the rides page closer to the time
Matamata Piako District Council is holding an event to promote a kids' 4.9km trail ride around Matamata, at the Matamata Domain on Saturday 25th February. There will be various stalls, coffee cart and ice-cream truck, along with other displays. Peddlers will have their marquee there and be promoting our Club. Go along and have a look at what our community has to offer its residents.
Our AGM will be held in May, and more details will follow. Please consider putting your name forward for Committee. Meetings are held around every 6 weeks, and are not very long. (There is more time spent socializing than dealing with formalities). If you are interested please let one of our great committee members know. It's always good to have new ideas around the table
Once again the battle will be on for the very special Club trophies so start thinking who you would like to nominate for the Most Improved Road Rider and Most Considerate Club Member. Nominations can be emailed to heath@cgca.co.nz
18th November 2022 |
Upcoming Peddlers events and committee news
After another Committee meeting, we have the following to report:
Our trail rides have been popular and enjoyed by all. The next one will be on Sunday 11th December 2022 starting at the Little Waipa Reserve on Horahora Road, Arapuni at 10am, riding to Jones Landing and back. At the conclusion of the ride, our Committee have decided to put a small luncheon on for those attending. To assist with catering, please email joannebelton2409@gmail.com if you think you might be coming along, including the number in your group.
Wednesday evening rides will continue to commence at 5.30pm from the flagpole outside Matamata Primary School on Broadway, and on 21 December our Committee will host our annual 'Christmas bbq' at the end of the ride.
Thank you to those members who have paid their subs in the last month. A reminder that this small sum is now due, and appreciated.
If you require any further information relating to our Club, please either contact a Committee member
26th October 2022 |
Stuff article about Russell Cullen
Here's a recent Stuff article about Wayne's brother Russell, who sadly passed away while riding the Tour Aotearoa fundraising for charity You can read the article here
3rd October 2022 |
Ride times and trail ride
With Daylight Saving now well bedded in, Wednesday evening rides start at 5:30pm at the flagpole. Sunday rides start at 9am, or if you'd like an extra hour to get mentally prepared, join us in Paeroa at 10am on the 16th for our next trail ride. We're riding Paeroa to Waihi (return) through the Karangahake Gorge via the rail trail - Check it out here (Approx. 48km return)
More details on the Rides page
17th September 2022 |
All the latest Peddlers' news!!!
Don't forget that Wednesday evening rides now start at 4pm at the flagpole - changing to 5:30 pm from the 5th October with Daylight Saving. Sunday rides will change to 9am on the 25th of September when Daylight Saving rolls around
Join us on the trails in Vegas tomorrow, Sunday 18th September at the Redwoods in Rotorua. We're planning to ride the Whakarewarewa Forest Loop - Check it out here.
As we are not certain regarding cafe availability around this loop, we will aim to meet at the end of the ride for refreshments.
Our next trail ride will (weather permitting) be held on Sunday 16th October, when we're planning to ride the very scenic and popular Paeroa to Waihi (return) ride, with a cafe stop in Waihi. More details closer to the date
If you've always wanted to do a few hot laps at Hampton Downs, here's your chance!!!! Sunday 9th October is the annual "Pedal to the Metal for Prostate Cancer" fundraiser. If you would like to support this event please contact the event manager Carol Roche (0800477678 or 09 4152404); email events@prostate.org.nz or visit the website . Finger your mates and get a team together to support a great cause.
Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge is finally back this year, after the past couple of events were disrupted by Covid. It's being held on Saturday 26th November 2022. If you intend to do this event, remember that paid-up Peddlers' members can contact Jo at joannebelton2409@gmail.com for a discount code you can use to save on your entry fee.
This year our usual support crew will not be attending the event. After discussion at the last Committee meeting, we'd like to hear from those riding as to whether or not they would like the Club to secure a site at the venue for you to congregate at after the ride. Whether we book a site will depend on feedback from you, our members, so please email Jo at joannebelton2409@gmail.com to have your say, then we can communicate with you directly regarding this.
As a committee we're always looking for ways to make your club more interesting. As such, we've decided to trial a weekend ride with an overnight stay in December. Our thoughts at this stage are to ride on the Hauraki Rail Trails from Matamata to Miranda, where we'll spend the night at the hot pools camp ground, soaking away our aches and pains, then riding back the next day. The distance is 117km each way, but don't panic!!!! The beauty of this ride is that you could share the distance with a support driver, swapping over part way so everyone gets to enjoy the ride and the experience. Alternatively, this could be a family weekend away with the rest of your group meeting you at Miranda for the night; or arrange a pickup if you don't wish to stay. Plenty of options, so think about it. We will follow up but would love to hear if this sounds like something which might interest you.
Don't forget that 2022/23 subs are now due......subs for new members are $25 single, or $40 for families. Subs for existing members are $50 single/$80 family membership
As you can see above, Peddlers offers plenty of bang for your buck :)
5th September 2022 |
Spring ride start times
Don't forget that Wednesday evening rides now start at 4pm at the flagpole. Sunday rides will change to 9am on the 25th of September when daylight saving rolls around
26th August 2022 |
Peddlers' Trail Ride 21st August/Spring ride start times
A bunch of keen Peddlers lined up to ride the trails over the hill last weekend and the weather really turned it on for their visit
Starting from the Crossing, they made it all the way to the Mount, where a coffee and a bite was had, then back to the cars

Peddlers' fronts

Peddlers' arses

Also Peddlers' arses
If you like the look of that be sure to join us on the next trail ride, which will be held on Sunday 18th September at the Redwoods in Rotorua. We're planning to ride the Whakarewarewa Forest Loop - Check it out here. Our backup date in case the weather is unfriendly on the 18th will be the 25th. Mark your calendar now.
Ride start times for Spring
With Spring approaching and the days drawing out, we start to think about our ride start times. At our last committee meeting it was decided that the Sunday start times will remain at 0930 until daylight savings commences, but the Wednesday evening rides will move to 4pm from the 7th of September.
Don't forget that 2022/23 subs are now due......subs for new members are $25 single, or $40 for families. Subs for existing members are $50 single/$80 family membership
9th August 2022 |
Peddlers' Committee Meeting Tuesday 2nd August
Another Committee meeting was held last week and below is an update of events:
On Sunday 21st August, we're planning another trail ride over Tauranga way. This time we're riding from the Crossing to the Mount and back via Matapihi, with the first pedal turned in mild annoyance (anger didn't sound right) at 10am. If you need clarification of the start point please check out the Rides page. Our trail rides have been popular in the past and very well attended. We'll keep an eye on the weather forecast leading up to the day and postpone the day before if things look dodgy. We'll advise via email, and post on our Rides page here, along with ourFacebook page if we decide to postpone.
Also from 19-21 August, the J Swap 2022 Masters Track Cycling Carnival (Drome Masters) is to take place at the Velodrome in Cambridge and they would like volunteers to assist with staging the event. Please contact Dale if you are able to help out - dale@tainuipress.co.nz
Don't forget the Karapiro 100K Flyer is coming up on 24 September 2022. Information and entry is online here
If you are interested in participating in the BDO Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge on 26 November this year, and you're a current financial member of Peddlers, contact Jo for a discount code, to save money on your entry fee - joannebelton2409@gmail.com
Our periodic trail rides have been a very popular addition to our rides schedule. Our next one will be on Sunday 21 August from The Crossing to Mt Maunganui stopping for coffee etc, and returning to The Crossing via Matapihi commencing at 10am. This is a ride we have done previously and was much enjoyed by all who participated. Bring your friends and family and have a great day out.
Our September trail ride will be held on Sunday 18th September at the Redwoods in Rotorua. We're planning to ride the Whakarewarewa Forest Loop - Check it out here. Our backup date in case the weather is unfriendly on the 18th will be the 25th. Mark your calendar now.
Don't forget that 2022/23 subs are now due......subs for new members are $25 single, or $40 for families. Subs for existing members are $50 single/$80 family membership
12th July 2022 |
Sunday rides now start at 09:30
With winter now upon us (in case you missed it!!), our Sunday rides move back to 09:30 starts, with slightly lesser distances to ensure we still get some good quality RH time
26th May 2022 |
From Wednesday 1st of June the Wednesday rides will start @ 3pm
Due to the days drawing in, Wednesday evening rides will now start at 3pm from the Catholic Church on Hohaia Street (in order to avoid the school traffic). Please be there at 2:55pm to plan your ride
23rd May 2022 |
The Peddlers' AGM was held at the Matamata Club on the 22nd of May 2022
We had a great turnout for the 2022 AGM and dinner, where everyone enjoyed a lovely meal and good company
The 2022 Committee was elected as follows
President: Heath Tapper
Secretary: Joanne Belton
Treasurer: Robyn de Haas
Bryce Howard
Stu Edgecombe
Mike Davey
Scott Holdem
Theo Brus
Richard Grayling
Gord Stewart
The Committee would like to thank Robin Anderson for his work on the committee over the past couple of years
The subs for next year were discussed and it was decided, in order to try to attract people to cycling, to set the subs for new members at $25 single, or
$40 for families. Subs for existing members remain the same, being $50 single/$80 family membership
23rd May 2022 |
Peddlers' awards ummmm, awarded
The annual Peddlers' awards were handed out last night. This year we only had two awards, as it was considered that there weren't enough members riding track to present an award
The "Most Improved Road Rider" award was won this year by Mike Davey. Mike had an operation, went electric, kicked Simon's arse, then reverted to pedal power and kicked Simon's arse

Mike is shown receiving his well-deserved award from Heath, who managed to remain upright the entire evening. That may be a record, as usually when he's around a bunch of Peddlers he falls off whatever he's sitting on. Despite the photo, Mike is not currently and, in fact, has not been the "Weekly Special", since 1982. I did, however, overhear Rae at dinner say that Theo is weakly special every third Tuesday night
The "Most Considerate Rider" award was unanimously given to Alan Brill for always selflessly looking after other riders. Unfortunately, Alan has some bug that's going around, so was unable to receive his award in person.
Fortunately, I have phat (as the kids would say) Photoshop skills and have been able to provide this seamless representation of what it would have looked like if Alan could have been
there to receive his award in person

**** Note - photo altered *** BTW, Heath's hand wasn't. It really is that big. He's either a Yeti, or it's permanently swollen from falling off his bikes so often
Congratulations to both of our winners!
28th April 2022 |
Don't forget the Peddlers AGM is coming up......
Please be advised our AGM will be held at the Matamata Club on Sunday 22nd May 2022 with drinks commencing at 5.30pm.
We require a minimum number of attendees in order for this to go ahead so it is imperative that you let Robyn know if you can make it. The dinner cost is $32.00 per person for non-Peddlers financial members, and $22.00 per head for financial members of Peddlers. Please email Robyn at robyndehaas@hotmail.com and advise her of the number attending, and also pay for your dinner direct to the Peddlers bank account 030363-0378862-00 using your surname & "AGM" as a reference.
Please also email all nominations for Most Considerate Club Member, Most Improved Road Rider & Most Improved Track Rider to heath@cgca.co.nz as soon as possible. Thank you.
25th January 2022 |
Cancellation of Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge
You will probably have seen the announcement, but here it is in full anyway......
We are writing to you today with the heart-breaking news that with the continued Covid 19 environment, and with recent announcements that New Zealand is now in a Red Traffic Light as part of the Protection Framework, making it clear that large scale events will not be able to proceed in red, combined with no clear direction as to when we will come out of red, the team at BDO Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge have made the tough decision to cancel its planned 19 February 2022 event.
As you’ll know, we attract around 5,000 riders and 7,500 supporters to the BDO Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge and had already postponed the event from its originally planned November 2021 date to February 2022, in addition to not being able to run in November 2020 due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic.
With a 43 year history and having not been able to deliver the BDO Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge over the past two years, the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Trust and event management team are devastated to be making this announcement, however with under 4 weeks to go until event weekend, the decision was the only one that could be made with the current situation that we all face right now. We were so looking forward to welcoming you to our beautiful part of the country next month and know that this news will be as disappointing for you as it is for us.
While our terms and conditions specify no refunds or transfers to future event dates, we will be making a claim application through the governments event support payment scheme for the significant unrecoverable costs we have incurred over this time. Depending on the outcome of our application, it is our desire to return to you as much of your entry fee as possible.
You’ll appreciate that with any claim application it may take some time, so please bear with us while we work through this process, and be assured that we will keep you fully updated once outcomes are known.
We’d like to thank you for your incredible continued support and understanding through what has been an incredibly difficult two years and hope you’ll mark in your calendar the next BDO Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge which we now move into planning for to take place on Saturday 26 November 2022.
Kindest Regards
The BDO Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Team
20th December 2021 |
DON'T FORGET OUR CHRISTMAS BBQ WEDNESDAY EVENING!! -- Come along to our annual Christmas BBQ next Wednesday 22nd December! Bring the family!
Join us to celebrate Christmas in style, with sausages and a few drinks. All welcome! Food will be waiting for you after your ride, or forget the ride and talk sh1t with the cooks
11th December 2021 |
POSTPONED to 22ND!! -- Come along to our annual Christmas BBQ next Wednesday 22nd December! Bring the family!
Postponed due to the rain forecast. Join us to celebrate Christmas in style, with sausages and a few drinks. All welcome! Food will be waiting for you after your ride, or forget the ride and talk sh1t with the cooks
18th November 2021 |
Keen Peddlers' member Dennis Murdoch has passed away
It is with sadness that we advise that keen Peddler, Dennis Murdoch, has passed away. Many of you will have ridden with Dennis and remember his love of cycling and talking :).
Peddlers Club would like to pass on our sincere condolences to his very close friend Jeanette, and his family.

Dennis was active in the Huntly community, including serving as President of the local branch of the Rotary Club in the past. He's pictured here with Jeanette, raising money for Polio Prevention
Dennis's funeral is at 11am on Friday, 3 December at Newstead. Due to current Covid restrictions, attendance is limited to 100 persons
9th November 2021 |
Check out our 2021 gear!!!!
Our new shirts have arrived and they look awesome!

Head over to the Apparel page to find out how to get yours now!
9th November 2021 |
Peddlers' Own Callum Nisbet Rides in the Tour of Southland
Callum Nisbet competed for Team Couplands last week in the Tour of Southland
Despite a crash on Stage 2, Callum remained competitive, earning the jersey for the "Most Combative" rider, after being involved in a number of break-aways
You can check out his results here - Well done Callum!
21st October 2021 |
Peddlers' Committee Meeting Tuesday 26th October
Another Committee meeting was held last night and below is an update of events:
This Sunday 31st October, we have another trail ride over Tauranga way from The Lakes to Omokoroa and back commencing from 10am. If you need clarification of the start point please check out the Rides page. Our trail rides have been popular in the past and very well attended. Unfortunately rain is forecast for Sunday, so we will make a decision Saturday afternoon as to whether or not to go ahead. We'll advise via email, and post on our Rides page here, along with ourFacebook page is we decide to postpone.
Our new Club shirts, featuring our wonderful 2021 sponsors arrive this week. If you would like to purchase one, please email Joanne, at sandjbelton@gmail.com.
Many of you will be aware that the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge has been postponed until 19 February 2021. Likewise the Karapiro Flyer has also been disrupted due to Covid, however the Flyer has been replaced with an event on Waitangi Weekend 2022 called the "Long Course Weekend". There are many different events available and you can check it out here - definitely worth a look!
The Tour of Southland commences this week and runs from 28 October - 3 November. Check out our own Callum Nisbet riding for Team Couplands. Well done Callum - we're all behind you (literally!!).
Peddlers Wednesday evening rides will continue to start at 5.30pm from the flagpole outside Matamata Primary on Broadway, and Sunday rides at 9.00am.
21st October 2021 |
Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Postponed
Due to the ongoing Covid restrictions, the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge has been postponed until February. Official statement follows
With 5 weeks to go until the planned date for New Zealand’s largest cycling event, (traditionally held on the last Saturday in November), and after much deliberation and consultation with riders, stakeholders, event partners and others, we have made the decision to postpone this year’s BDO Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge and move the 44th running of the event to its reserve date of 19 February 2022.
Around 5,000 riders, 7,500 supporters and spectators, along with over 800 personnel and volunteers are in attendance each year. With this in mind, the decision has been reached with everyone’s health and well-being at the forefront, along with the current uncertainty around the ability to host large scale events and engage in nationwide travel in the immediate future.
We have not reached our decision to postpone the event lightly. However, after much careful consideration, we have concluded that hosting a February event is in the best interests of our cycling community given the challenging and uncertain environment facing the event industry in the near term. It also provides everyone with some certainty and clarity to be able to re-arrange accommodation and travel plans, revise training regimes and to be ready to ride again this summer.
We also believe that by moving the date out by three months, we should all have more certainty in relation to COVID-19 with respect to gathering sizes, alert levels, border restrictions and vaccinations, and what they mean in order to be able to run and deliver a large scale event of our nature.
We totally understand that the change of date may not be ideal for some people’s own personal circumstances. For all those already entered, you are automatically transferred to the 19 February 2022 date. The event is operated by a charitable trust, and we are committed to honouring our commitments to the community we support. Given the significant non-recoupable costs that the event has incurred over the past 18 months, no refunds or transfers to future event dates are available. However, if you are unable to make the postponement date, you will be able to transfer your entry to another rider at no charge right up until 31 January 2022.
And for anyone not already entered, we’d love to have your support to help keep both us and the events industry alive and kicking by making the commitment to enter one of our many event categories on offer and help celebrate this special occasion on the events calendar in February
21st October 2021 |
Vintage Peddlers kit for sale A member from previous years who is no longer road riding has a number of the original yellow and 10 year anniversary jerseys. I'm told they are in good condition, having "hardly been used". There are 2 of the yellow tops 1 x L and 1 x XL. The anniversary shirts are 1 x 12 and 2 x L, one of which is a long-sleeved windbreaker. Contact Donna on 021 216 1570 if interested
23rd September 2021 |
Do you fancy yourself as the next Fabio or Cindy Crawford? (Or just fancy yourself (Simon))? Do you gaze in the mirror and catch glimpses of Elle MacPherson in the way that you pout (Wayne)? Well have we got a deal for you!!
Get those legs waxed and pour yourself into your tightest lycra (Simon again and definitely Brycey)! Our Treasurer Robyn has had a call from a lady promoting the Hauraki Rail Trail. She would like to get a photo of cyclists on the trail on Tower Road whilst the lovely cherry blossoms are in full bloom. If you're too sexy for your shirt and you've hankered to be a model, here's your big chance! There's a good possibility that the photos could be used in a local paper which could be read by up to 27 people (including Peddlers members and their direct family) !
If Wed morning next week (29th) suits, please contact Rob on 021 247 7157 to discuss details. Extra cyclists welcome. Don't worry, if you're not good looking enough to be a model, Henry will be there, so that'll make you more comfortable. Unfortunately, the really good looking members (well that came out wrong) have to work for a living (right Theo??) (Well half right anyway, right Theo?), so can't make it
22nd September 2021 |
Rides now start at our Daylight Savings times - Wednesday 5:30pm - Sunday 9am
Spring has sprung and our daylight has been saved!!!! With that, our Sunday rides move back to 09:00 starts, with longer distances to get those km under your (stretched?) lycra belt for the 100k Flyer and Taupo (Covid willing), whilst still finishing in time to get some good quality RH socialising in. Wednesday rides now start at the Daylight Saving time of 5:30pm
15th September 2021 |
From the Committee Meeting held 14-09-2021
At the time this newsletter is going out, we are unsure if the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge will take place at the end of November. It was around this time last year that the organisers made the difficult decision to pull the pin and there is similar Covid uncertainty around in 2021, particularly with respect to Auckland participants. We will update as soon as we hear anything either way. At this stage we assume all is go! Fingers crossed!
In the meantime, perhaps consider the Karapiro Flyer, which is to be held locally on 30 October. Again, at this stage we assume this event is proceeding. You could view it as a good training ride for Taupo and if Taupo is cancelled and the Flyer isn't, at least you got to put your training towards something! The Flyer is almost on our doorstep, so as a club, we feel it would be a good idea to support local rides to ensure they survive in these relatively uncertain times. You can check it out here
Our trail rides have been very popular with great feedback from those riding. Our next trail ride will be held on 31 October and will be from The Lakes to Omokoroa and back. The starting point is the same place as the previous Lakes ride and further details will be advised closer to the date. All welcome! Friends! Family! Even your in-laws!! (Kidding!!! Who wants to ride with their in-laws?!)
If you're thinking of travelling NZ with your bike...... - Is this NZ's best one day cycle trail?
31st May 2021 |
Sunday rides now start at 09:30
With winter now upon us, our Sunday rides move back to 09:30 starts, with slightly lesser distances to ensure we still get some good quality RH time
31st May 2021 |
The Peddlers AGM was held at the Matamata Club on the 23rd of May
We had a great turnout for the 2021 AGM and dinner
The 2021 Committe was elected as follows
President: Heath Tapper
Secretary: Joanne Belton
Treasurer: Stacey Shearman (Note - since replaced by Robyn de Haas - August 2021)
Bryce Howard
Stu Edgecombe
Robyn De Haas
Robin Anderson
Mike Davies
Scott Holdem
The subs for next year were set the same as for last year, being $50 single/$80 family membership
10th May 2021 |
Don't forget the Peddlers AGM is coming up......
The annual Peddlers' AGM will be held on the 23rd of May at the Matamata Club on Waharoa Rd.
The plan is to meet at 5.00pm for drinks, AGM at 5.30pm and dinner at 6.30pm.
Dinner cost is $22.00 for members and $32.00 for non members. If you'd like to come along, please RSVP to angelathomas606@gmail.com before 18 May 2021 and pay into the Matamata Peddlers bank account on or before the night, referencing your Surname and AGM
2nd May 2021 |
The Peddlers' Mountain Bike Day was held at the Redwoods today
Thanks to Heath and Robyn for the report -
A crisp start to a beautiful sunny day greeted 14 intrepid Peddlers, who chose their own courses and soon warmed up climbing up the mountain. After the first 500m of vertical climbing Bryce sincerely regretted pouring himself into his thermals.
Covered in dust as the rich people cruised past in shuttles, we struggled to the top, led of course by Theo.
Irritatingly, he was also fastest down the hill. Mind you, at his age he has less to lose.
Henry & Robin Anderson took the wrong trail and ended up doing a grade 5, which, ironically for Robin, proved easier than crossing SH27. Simon bemoaned his lack of suspension and apparently won't be fathering any more children. Don't give up Si! They have pills to help with that now!!! Sounds like an excellent excuse for a new bike, right Jo?!?!?!?.
We were wondering why Kev was so keen on completing "Mad if you Don't" and "Be Rude not to". As it turned out, it was because he'd been told there were lots of roots on the track (you're doing it wrong Kev). Ange suggested he make the most of it, whilst ensuring that the bikes were spotlessly clean before putting them on top of her NEW CAR.
The gang met for lunch and a coffee afterwards at some yuppie place Simon frequents. Rumour has it Bryce sat outside and got a pie from the dairy. (I can't confirm if this is true because I wasn't there but that's certainly what the pre-lunch banter suggested)
Importantly, there were no crashes or injuries!! A successful day!!!
24th April 2021 |
The Peddlers' Committee Meeting was held this week at Henry and Robyn's home
There were a number of items discussed, including -
The annual Peddlers' AGM will be held on the 23rd of May at the Matamata Club on Waharoa Rd.
The plan is to meet at 5.00pm for drinks, AGM at 5.30pm and dinner at 6.30pm.
Dinner cost is $22.00 for members and $32.00 for non members. If you'd like to come along, please RSVP to angelathomas606@gmail.com before 18 May 2021 and pay into the Matamata Peddlers bank account on or before the night, referencing your Surname and AGM
- Bank account number is 03 0363 0378862 00.
Come along and join us for good company and a great meal. Have your say in the future of the club. Please consider standing for committee - it's very low key and a great way to give back to your club
At the AGM we will be presenting 3 trophies:- for Track rider, Most Improved Rider and Most Considerate Rider. If you have an opinion on members who deserve these very prestigious awards please email your nominations to heath@cgca.co.nz
On the 2nd of May, for those who want a change of scenery, we will be mountain biking at the Redwoods in Rotorua. The plan is to meet at the bottom carpark by the Sawmill at 10.00am We will then head off for some riding. Once we have conquered the biggest jumps on the mountain, we'll gather back at the cafe for a bite to eat. If it's not for you, don't worry, there's still a road ride scheduled on the Rides Page (enjoy Morgan!!!!).
Every 3 to 4 years we like to refresh our kit, so we've gone out again to our wonderful local businesses for sponsorship. Once again we had a fantastic response and along with the majority of our previous loyal sponsors, we're pleased to welcome Venture Scooters and Matamata Vet Services. We would like to thank all our sponsors and encourage our members to use their services. You can check them out on our dedicated Sponsors' Page
The process of getting our new club kit into print has started. The committee has decided on the design and once we have the latest logos from our sponsors, we can give these to our supplier. Depending on their workload we could have our new kit within 6 weeks of ordering. If you are after new kit in the next few months, please email Joanne joannebelton2409@gmail.com . This will help us to ensure that we are ordering the gear that our members want. In the meantime, if you urgently need new shorts (Kev!), please check out the Apparel page, which has our current stock listed
18th April 2021 |
The Mike Coatham Memorial ride was a great success today!
Around a dozen hardy Peddlers saddled up for a gorgeous ride through Arapuni, back to Tirau, then home. The weather was very kind, with no wind and cool temperatures.
I won't lie, some members have whinged a bit about having to get back on the bike for another 30kms to get home after the cafe at Tirau, but I don't know what they are bitching about (quite literally - I went home in a car). It was a great day enjoyed by all
10th April 2021 |
The weather's looking un-picnicky tomorrow, so we're deferring the Mike Coatham Memorial Picnic ride until next week!
Check out the rides page for full details of our routes through Arapuni to Tirau and back, then join us Sunday 18th!
Don't forget that with the end of Daylight Saving, Wednesday rides now start at 4pm
There's still room if you'd like to join us on the Peddlers' fishing trip Saturday April 17th. Contact Stu for more details
4th April 2021 |
Happy Easter! Don't forget the Mike Coatham Memorial Picnic ride next week!
Check out the rides page for full details of our routes through Arapuni to Tirau and back next week!
Don't forget that with the end of Daylight Saving, Wednesday rides now start at 4pm
23 March 2021 |
Former Peddlers' stalwart Jack Poole has passed away
It is with sorrow that we announce the passing, on the 16th of March 2021, of Jack Poole, a long time member of the Peddlers' Cycling Club. Many of you will have ridden with Jack, in the past and he rode with us well into his 80s. Our thoughts and love go out to Jack's family at this time
11th March 2021 |
With the evenings drawing in and maximising members' safety a priority, the Wednesday night rides will now start at 5:30pm, up until Daylight Savings finishes
From the 7th of April, the Wednesday night rides will start at 4pm. Further details of seasonal ride start times are listed below
10th March 2021 |
The Peddlers' Committee Meeting was held tonight at Henry and Robyn's home
There were a number of items discussed, including -
Standardising the start times through the year according to the season/daylight hours as follows
- November to February inclusive - Wednesdays 6pm, Sundays 9am
- March until end of Daylight Savings - Wednesdays 5:30pm, Sundays 9am
- April/May - Wednesdays 4pm, Sundays 9am
- June to September up to start of Daylight Savings - Wednesdays 3pm, Sundays 9:30am
- September(Daylight Savings)/October - Wednesdays 5:30, Sundays 9am
Actual change-over dates will be advertised on the web and Facebook, but these will be the general months/times
- The annual Mike Coatham Memorial Picnic Ride will be held on the 11th of April (weather permitting). Our likely course will be variations on a ride to Arapuni and back, with a stop at a cafe in Tirau. Further details in the coming weeks
- We're planning to hold another Peddler's fishing trip on the 17th of April (again, weather permitting), this time utilising members' boats. If you'd like to take your boat or would be interested in jumping aboard one of the vessels already signed up, drop Stu a line on 70.stu.e@gmail.com, or send us a message on FB. Spots available will depend on the number of boats and keen fishos
- We've also set a date for the next Redwoods day and BBQ. Currently planned for Sunday May 2nd (and you guessed it, weather permitting). Bring the family down for a spot of mountain biking in the beautiful Redwoods, then enjoy a sausage and a chat afterwards. There are track levels from toddlers to pro, so there's something to suit everyone (except possibly Suzanne). There will be road rides planned as usual for those who don't wish to partake in the mountain biking
-Last but not least, we've set the date for the Peddlers' AGM and Dinner. This year it will be held on May 23rd, again at the Matamata Club. Come along and have your say in the direction of the club, or just enjoy a good feed and good company
4th February 2021 |
Congratulations Robyn de Haas, Peddlers' own NZ Age Group Track 2000IP National Record Holder!!!
Auckland Anniversary weekend saw the Auckland Centre Age Group Track champs, held at the Velodrome in Cambridge. Peddlers' members Robyn de Haas and Dale Ertel competed in the 2 day comp. Organised by Auckland, with volunteers from Waikato & Auckland, and NZ officials, it turned out to be a great weekend of competition & presented an excellent opportunity to practise starts & tactics ahead of the Track Age Group Nationals in March. Both competed strongly and thoroughly enjoyed the weekend, with Robyn picking up a number of medals, including two gold and a NZ Age Group Record!!!!
Rob's weekend
Day one was the 500TT and 2000IP, with sprints in the evening. For me, the gated starts were my first hurdle, as timing is critical if you are to achieve personal bests over 500m and 2000m. We don't get the opportunity to practise these, and it's just you against the clock. There is so much to think about - from the countdown to the power out of the holding gate and the straight line, then forgetting to stand on 2, back on 1 and go, wobbling as I try to turn the pedals, going down onto the Cote d'Azur (or, in English, off the track, not a great start). I power up and gain momentum to complete a fast 2nd lap. Happy enough with the time, with room to improve on start before Nationals in March.
Next up is the 2000 IP, ready in the gates, count down look ahead, power out, focused! Still a wobbly start as timing was again an issue. I tried to get into my rhythm to be consistent through the 8 laps. I managed to do one of my better times, going under 2min 52 seconds, so I was extremely happy with the result. Due to me jumping up an age group category this year, although not a PB for me, it was a NZ record for Masters Women 6, which gave me a NZ Age Group record and a gold medal!! (Congratulations Rob!!!)
Next up was a 5k scratch race, which due to the small number of entrants combined the master ladies into 1 race. I tried my best to hang on to the others, however I ended up riding a 4k individual pursuit, but finished the race. To my surprise they did give out medals for the 3 age group categories (racers are in 10 year periods - Cat 1 is 35-44, Cat 2 is 45-54 and Cat 3 55-64), so I achieved another gold medal.
The 7.5k (30 lap) points race was also combined age groups. It involved 3 sprints, for which points are given to the first 4 across the line (5,3, 2, 1 points respectively) and double points for the last sprint. This race ended up being my highlight of the weekend, as it was ridden at a tough pace and adding in sprints made it extremely challenging, but rewarding, as I finished 3rd overall.
Finally for me was the Keirin, which is 3 laps behind the Derny (motorbike) and then 3 sprint laps to the finish. I drew number 1 behind the Derny, which is the most difficult position to race from. I chose to swing up after Derny left the track, then sprint from behind, which ended up giving me 2nd place.
It was a great weekend, which I thoroughly enjoyed and it was extremely well run to the timing of the programme.
Summary from Dale on FB
Spent the weekend competing (unsure if that's the correct term) at the Auckland Track Champs held at the Avantidrome. A very well run event. Maybe not one to remember regarding results or times, but I gave it my all anyway and certainly enjoyed the company of fellow Masters riders. My highlight was a quarterfinal match sprint against Russell Scott. My plan was to stay on his bum and hope he didn't go/sprint too early. He didn't and when I made my attack he went whoosh. The inevitable result but still a lot of fun.
It did however remind me of why I came up with the idea of an annual Masters only track cycling carnival, where after qualifying, riders are put into grades that best suit their ability, so that everyone could enjoy being competitive against riders of similar ability.
Oh well, back to training I guess
Well done to both of you from your fellow Peddlers!!
28th January 2021 |
Happy New Year! The Peddlers' Committee Meeting was held on Tuesday night at Ange and Kev Thomas's home
Items discussed were :-
Uniforms - We've decided on the basic design for the new kit and are now going to approach sponsors around the Matamata community to see if they'd like to feature on the gear
NOTE - Wednesday night rides are moving back to 6pm from Wednesday the 3rd of February until daylight savings ends.
AJ Power has tendered his resignation from the committee. AJ has been both a committee member and a strong supporter of the club for quite some time and many of us have enjoyed the McDonalds burger patties and other goodies he and Leanne generously donated. Matamata Peddlers would like to sincerely thank AJ for all his work and involvement with Peddlers committee initiatives. AJ will continue to ride with us and is still running his trail rides at 4:30 on Wednesdays if you'd like to join him and his young son Jack for an hour long ride
26th December 2020 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
We hope you all had a great Christmas and caught up with family and friends. Peddlers celebrated with an end of year BBQ on the 22nd, which was enjoyed by all
Jo showed us this, which may give you a giggle - Check it out!
30th November 2020 |
Recently Robyn de Haas competed in a couple of track events, one of which is organised and driven by our own Dale Ertel. Rob filed this report
Over the course of the past two weekends, I participated in the 'Ashes' & Drome Masters Track Carnival.
The Ashes is a new competition which started this year, based on the idea of fanning the fires of the local rivalry between Waikato and Auckland. The competition was to have Team Pursuits races in various categories, scoring points towards the trophy. Waikato won hands down, as the JAFAs didnt get any teams together :-(
I was in a team (combined age greater than 160 & less than 200), which won our catergory. We trained together whenever possible, around once a week for a month. There were other events too, like Individual Pursuits and races, but they didnt count towards the trophy.
I also enjoyed competing for the first time in the Drome Masters. Other Peddlers and former Peddlers racing were Dale Ertel, James Allen and Shane Lowry. This one is Dale's baby, based on sprint and endurance cups. Friday night is grading via a flying 200 for sprint, along with scratch heats or flying 200 for endurance. I entered the endurance and was in C grade for my races. There were also team pursuits and sprint teams.
It was all lots of fun, with great racing and camaraderie. Thanks to Dale for an excellent, well run event. I would recommend to all Peddlers interested in the track.
30th November 2020 |
Peddler Callum Nisbet got a mention in the latest Spoken Cycles newsletter as part of their Cat 1 team
Well done Callum!
26th October 2020 |
Our "Here Comes Summer!" BBQ was deferred a couple of weeks ago, so we'll try again Wednesday 11th November after the rides!!(again weather/temp permitting).
A couple of Saturdays ago a number of Peddlers headed for Coromandel for one of our fishing trips. Unfortunately, despite Simon not being invited, we still didn't catch many fish at all. I think Jo must have a photo of him in her wallet. It's like bananas. Mind you, Henry's been putting some seriously low numbers on the board of late with his fishing. Got totally out-fished by Rob, even having tried to nobble her by giving her a cane rod with a cotton reel attached for gear. Anyway, it was a fun day - we'll try again in the New Year and see if we can't turn our fortunes around. Henry, if you could let me know the days you're busy, I'll start the planning.
Peddlers' committee met Tuesday 20th. As a committe we decided that we'd like to encourage young people into cycling, so they'll be able to join free up to the age of 18 (remembering of course that kids under 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to ride with us).
Other items discussed were a reminder to everyone about riding etiquette - please keep left and ensure that we're not riding (or appearing to ride) 3 or 4 wide when in groups. With the opening of the cycle trail we've had a bit of "Why aren't you riding on the trail?!?!?" feedback, so our rides will be structured to avoid long periods of time on the routes the track follows. Obviously, at the speeds we travel we would be considerably less safe on the trail, with loose metal, driveways and slower trail users, but Joe Public doesn't get that (and plenty wouldn't be interested in explanations), so we'll avoid riding in parallel with the trail where we can.
19th October 2020 |
Our "Here Comes Summer!" BBQ was deferred a couple of weeks ago, so we'll try again Wednesday 11th November after the rides!!(again weather/temp permitting). We'll keep trying until we can share a sausage
On Sunday around 10 Peddlers made the trip out to Arapuni for a ride in the beautiful hills around the area. By all accounts it was a really cool ride and I've already had requests to schedule it again late summer/autumn.
Unfortunately 1 of our riders was involved in an accident about 10 days ago, in which he collided with a car he didn't see, when coming out of an intersection on SH27. He was very lucky and is recovering at home now. His bike and most of his body were relatively unscathed, but his helmet was smashed into about 20 pieces. It's not exaggerating at all to say it very likely saved his life and it's a timely reminder to wear them whenever you're on a bike (and to encourage your friends and family to do the same)
Peddlers' committee meets tomorrow night (Tuesday 20th), so if there's anything you'd like raised please contact a committee member (listed on the Contacts page)
4th October 2020 |
Our "Here Comes Summer!" BBQ was deferred last week due to too much snow in the air, so we'll try again this Wednesday after the rides!!(again weather/temp permitting). We'll keep trying until we can share a sausage
We had 16 riders along for last Wednesday's rides and 14 for Sunday's. Next week we're off into the mountains and don't forget our Arapuni ride is now only two weeks away. Check out the "Rides" page for more details
Remember that the Wednesday night road rides now start at 5:30pm.
We're pleased to announce that there is now a family option for Wednesday night rides! Come and join us for the weekly PEDDLERS' FAMILY RAIL TRAIL RIDE - START TIME 4:25PM
Meet at the Matamata Primary School flagpole at the kid-friendly time of 4:15pm to get organised. Great for Mum, Dad and the kids! Electric bikes welcome! Get Bart and Lisa off the couch and join us for a trip out and back along the new rail trail for 45 minutes to an hour! There's no set distance, so you can turn around when you feel like it, but it's a great way to get out there and ride with Peddlers as a family (kids must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). We'll be back before 5:30 in case any members of the family want to do the road ride. This week there will be a BBQ waiting when you get back - saves you having to worry about cooking tea when you get the kids home.
We have limitted spots left on our Peddlers' fishing charter leaving Te Kouma (Coromandel) at 11:30 until 15:30 on the 17th of October. It's always a great day out, so feel free to join us. Kids welcome. Please contact Stu on 027 241 6351 if interested
27th September 2020 |
Don't forget the "Here Comes Summer!" BBQ this Wednesday after the rides!!
Today's ride was a non-starter due to the terrible weather, so we've pushed the "Spring Chicken" Ride to next Sunday the 4th of October
Remember that the Wednesday night road rides now start at 5:30pm.
We're pleased to announce that there is now a family option for Wednesday night rides! Come and join us for the weekly PEDDLERS' FAMILY RAIL TRAIL RIDE - START TIME 4:30PM
Meet at the Matamata Primary School flagpole at the kid-friendly time of 4:15pm to get organised. Great for Mum, Dad and the kids! Electric bikes welcome! Get Bart and Lisa off the couch and join us for a trip out and back along the new rail trail for 45 minutes to an hour! There's no set distance, but it's a great way to get out there and ride with Peddlers as a family (kids must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). We'll be back by 5:30 in case any members of the family want to do the road ride. This week there will be a BBQ waiting when you get back - saves you having to worry about cooking tea when you get the kids home.
14th September 2020 |
Great numbers for our Sunday ride!
We had an excellent turnout on Sunday with over 20 riders turning up at the new summer start time of 0900 for Bungy's Jump. It was great to see a few new faces along to join us. The summer ride lengths certainly didn't go un-noticed with some of the two's turning up for a drink as they were stacking the chairs at Robert Harris. Honestly though, it was windier than the day after bean and cabbage surprise night at Brycie's place, so it was a good effort by all the riders on the day.
Don't forget that the Wednesday afternoon rides now start at 4PM and the Sunday rides at 09:00
Only a couple of weeks until Daylight Saving starts, and from then the Wednesday afternoon rides will start at 5:30PM. The first 5:30PM ride is on the 30th of September and will be followed by a "Here comes Summer!" celebratory BBQ. Play your cards right and Kev will have a hot sausage ready for you on your return. He's good like that, just ask Ange
This weekend we're singing the blues out west, with a bit of Kiwitahi Mahi. Check out the Rides page for more details, including all new ride maps
7th September 2020 |
New ride times start this week!
From Wednesday 9th September the Wednesday afternoon rides will start at 4PM.
From Sunday 13th September the Sunday morning rides will start at 9AM (and feature summer distances - check out the Rides page)
Once Daylight Saving starts, the Wednesday afternoon rides will start at 5:30PM. The first 5:30PM ride will be on the 30th of September and will be followed by a "Here comes Summer!" celebratory sausage-fest (or, more accurately, a BBQ). Make no mistake though, there will be sausages, and fest
1st September 2020 |
The Peddlers' Committee Meeting was held tonight at Ange and Kev Thomas's home
Items discussed were :-
Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Gazebo Site is all go for members and their families to base themselves from for the day
Wednesday night rides are moving to 4pm from Wednesday the 9th of September. When daylight savings comes into force we're going to trial 5:30pm starts to see how they suit the members. So from the 30th of September the Wednesday night rides will start at 5:30pm and on that night we'll be welcoming the extra hour in our day with our customary BBQ.
From Sunday the 13th of September we'll be bringing back the start time for Sunday rides to 9am and increasing the distances to our summer ride lengths in preparation for Taupo
We've got an Arapuni ride planned for the 18th of October and a Christmas Hauraki Rail Trail jaunt out to the Forge cafe on December 13th
To celebrate the end of an eventful year, we'll be having our annual Christmas ride BBQ on Tuesday 22nd of December (so as not to clash with the Matamata Races on Wednesday 23rd)
31 Aug 2020 |
Check out what we've got in store for you this weekend
We're getting good numbers along to our Sunday rides (and in under a month we'll have Wednesday night 6pm rides too!) This week's ride is the always popular Oko. A new feature for you to have a look at is the map of the rides. Just hit "Check it out!" beside the Group Name and hopefully a graphical route will pop up for you. Isn't the internet marvellous?!?!?
For those of you wanting to break those lockdown blues here's a link to a Stuff article today which covers a new cycle track in the Marlborough region. Click here to check it out!
17 Aug 2020 |
Beautiful Weather Brings Out the Crowd
Clear skies and little wind greeted a large bunch of happy Peddlers last Sunday for a spot of Plain's Sailing. In fact, I'm not sure of the collective noun for a big group of smiling cyclists, but earlier in the year I'd have most likely called it a positive cluster. I probably wouldn't now, but we did have more than 20 ebullient riders out on a gorgeous winter's day, practicing a bit of cyclical distancing. A couple of hours on the bikes, then back to Robert Harris to yell at each other from a consistent 1m spacing, which is inconvenient, because Henry couldn't hear you if you were sitting on his knee with a megaphone. Come and join us next weekend for some Cold Comfort in the Peria Hills
13 Aug 2020 |
Government announces Te Awa River Ride
Great news for local cyclists, as the Govt announces the Hamilton to Cambridge section of the Te Awa River Ride - a 20km shared path, separated from traffic, that connects Hamilton, Tamahere Village, St Peters school, the Avantidrome and Cambridge with a safe, separated cycleway.
When complete, the Hamilton to Cambridge section will form part of the Te Awa River Ride – a 70km path that will generally follow the banks of the Waikato River from Ngaruawahia to Horahora.
Click here for further details
05 Aug 2020 |
Peddlers' founding member Heinz Feller has passed away
It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of Heinz Feller, one of the founding members of the Peddlers' Cycling Club. Many of you will have ridden with Heinz in the past. Our thoughts and love go out to Heinz's family at this time
26th Jul 2020 |
Just a reminder that with the advent of the new cycle trail, we've decided that the time is right to move our Sunday ride starting point to the Matamata Primary School flagpole, in order to take advantage of this fantastic new asset in our community and to increase the visibility of our great club. It also means that all of our normal Wednesday and Sunday rides will start from the same place. Our thanks go to Dale and Sheryl Ertel from Tainui Press for allowing us to use their business frontage as our starting point for so many years
Wednesday night rides will be starting from the flagpole at 3:30pm (time change) from 29th July 2020
22nd Jul 2020 |
The first meeting of the new Peddlers' Committee was held Tuesday 21st July 2020
We had a full turn out for the inaugural 2020/21 Peddlers' Committee Meeting on Monday
Items discussed were :-
Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Gazebo Site - the committee agreed to again fund a Peddlers' site at Taupo for members and their families to base themselves from for the day
Peddlers are going to set up a private Facebook group for members to discuss topics and communicate amongst ourselves
With the advent of the new cycle trail, we've decided that the time is right to move our Sunday ride starting point to the Matamata Primary School flagpole, in order to take advantage of this fantastic new asset in our community and to increase the visibility of our great club. It also means that all of our normal Wednesday and Sunday rides will start from the same place. Our thanks go to Dale and Sheryl Ertel from Tainui Press for allowing us to use their business frontage as our starting point for so many years
Wednesday night rides will be starting from the flagpole at 3:30pm (time change) from 29th July 2020
28 Jun 2020 |
Matamata Peddlers' Cycle Club AGM was held Sunday 21st June 2020
The Peddlers' AGM was once again a great evening, with a few drinks, followed by the meeting itself, then a yummy meal prepared for us by The Matamata Club
At the meeting we elected a new committee, headlined by our new Club President, Heath Tapper. Heath replaces Henry de Haas, who has given the Club great service, being president for the past 5 years. Thanks Henry! A mix of old faces (read that how you will) and new, you can find the 2020 committee members listed on the Contacts page
The Peddlers' annual awards were presented at the meeting. All members are given the opportunity to vote for their favourites in the categories of most improved and most considerate riders. This years recipients were
Most Improved Road Rider - Theo Brus
Most Considerate Rider - Heath Tapper
We also had Wayne Cullen celebrating his Beatles' birthday on the night. Suzanne has yet to comment on whether or not she still needs him, but it appears she still feeds him. Happy birthday Wayne!!!!